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Industry News

Select year:
  • US becomes the largest buyer of Chinese exports


    The United States surpassed the European Union in the first 11 months of 2012 to become the largest buyer of Chinese exports, according to data released by the Commerce Ministry on Tuesday. The value of US trade with China increased by 8.2 percent year-on-year to reach $438.62 billion, according to the ministry.
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  • China vows to strengthen co-op with Europe


    (Xinhua) Comments(0) Print Mail Large Medium SmallHAMBURG, Germany - China is willing to join hands with Europe to fully tap the potential of mutually beneficial cooperation and push the relationship between the two sides to a new level, a senior Chinese official said Wednesday.
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  • China factory profit growth quickens as economy recovers


    Annual growth of China’s industrial profits quickened to 22.8 per cent in November from October’s 20.5 per cent, official data showed on Thursday, reinforcing signs of a steady economic recovery thanks to pro-growth policies.
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  • China exports account for 11.1% of world trade


    BEIJING - China's exports accounted for 11.1 percent of world trade during the first three quarters of 2012, up 0.6 percentage point from the same period last year, the Ministry of Commerce said Wednesday.
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  • US overtakes EU as China's top export market


    China said on Tuesday that the United States has overtaken the European Union as its biggest export market, as the continent’s debt crisis has sent demand slumping.
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  • Economy stabilizing, but facing challenges.


    BEIJING - China's economy is stabilizing, but its development will "face various challenges that should not be underestimated" next year, the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee warned on Tuesday.
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  • Confidence in the economy on the rise


    Confidence among bankers and entrepreneurs in the health of China's economy has risen compared with three months ago, while inflation expectations went up among households, surveys said. The confidence of bankers in about 3,000 financial institutions in the economy next quarter rose 13.1 points to 55.1, according to a survey released by the People's Bank of China on Tuesday.
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  • China’s foreign policy mantra must be “economic first”


    The recent Asean Summit in Phnom Penh drew considerable international attention even amid the missiles in Gaza and another crisis in Europe. This attention had little to do, intrinsically, with the group of 10 countries.
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  • China's Economy Continues to Strengthen


    Dow Jones Newswires - China's economic recovery continued to gather pace in November, but some economists expressed caution about 2013. The data bode well for China's fourth-quarter gross domestic product growth--various Chinese indicators have been strengthening since September, signaling that the slowdown in the world's second-largest economy has ended following government stimulus efforts, including a push for more infrastructure investment.
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  • Yiwu : Santa's China factory


    The past ten years slowly marked a shift in China's growth model, which has been led for the most part by exports. Yiwu, a city in Zhejiang province, is one of the cities that has immensely benefited from what used to be China's export driven model.
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