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Industry News

Select year:
  • Hello Halloween


    "Halloween is now the #2 decorating holiday in America!" more than one sales rep has exclaimed. While I will admit that Halloween decorating has trended up in the past decade, I usually counter that in the US, we really only have two major decorating holidays: Christmas and Halloween.
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  • Rediscovering the Art of the Table


    "The man who can dominate a London dinner table can dominate the world," Oscar Wilde once quipped. While the strict social mores of the author's late 19th century―determining everything from seat placement and stemware to conversation―have fallen out of fashion, the formal dinner table is once again à la mode thanks to period dramas such as "Downton Abbey," where much of the action on screen revolves around mahogany and crystal.
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  • Big Gains in Furniture Sales Are Right Around the Corner


    Summer is officially over and the Fall selling season has begun with a bang. Most reports we have gotten from around is that the Labor Day weekend was terrific. In fact many furniture retailers are indicating that business has been better than expected.
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  • Promising EU Markets for Metalware


    According to a CBI report, the EU market for metalware was valued at
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  • Color Trends for Winter 2013 Home Interiors and Decorations


    These color trends for fall 2013 home Interiors and decorations are aimed to provide suppliers within home decoration industry neutralized, standardized and open sourced product design guidance.
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  • Emerging Trends in Global Market Dec. 2012


    December brings the holiday rush and a fresh look ahead to the new year. We are delighted to introduce four new ways to shop: Fashion, Home and Garden, Kids, and Holidays.
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  • Christmas commodities exports surge in Hebei


    Exports of Christmas commodities in North China's Hebei province surged in August despite contraction in trade amid world economic slowdown. Exports of such goods in August climbed
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  • Christmas Decoration


    A Christmas decoration is any of several types of decorations used at Christmas time. The traditional colors of Christmas are pine green (evergreen), snow white, and heart red. Blue and white are often used to represent winter, or sometimes Hanukkah, which occurs around the same time. Gold and silver are also very common,
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  • More Retail Hires Suggest Merrier Christmas Sales


    PHILADELPHIA - Retailers are planning to hire more employees this holiday season, according to a new survey by the Hay Group. This year, 75 percent of retailers are expecting an increase in holiday sales, according to the global management consultancy.
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  • First 2012 Christmas Holiday Shopping Season Predictions, Sales, and Hirings


    An important milestone for the 2012 retailing year occurred this week when the calendar page turned to September 16th, officially marking 100 days until Christmas. Judging from the amount of Black Friday, Christmas season, and holiday shopping announcements, marketing activities, and predictions that have occurred this week, 100 days seems to be the new unofficial official start of the busiest retail shopping season of the year.
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The 50th Jinhan Fair

Jinhan Fair Online Exhibition


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