21-27.10.2024 9:00-21:00

 PWTC, Guangzhou, China

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Last Chance To Win IPAD2


To thank you for your kindly support for the coming Jinhan Fair , an exiting lucky draw activity is designed to create you a much more interesting sourcing trip at Jinhan Fair this October.

Buyers who pre-register successfully and complete the online survey will be entitled for the Lucky Draw. Prizes include the hottest IPAD2, Golden Item and Swarovski Crystal worth up to RMB 10,000! More Details can be found hereBy Mid September, we’ve received more than 500 applications from our candidates who show great interest in this get-free- IPAD2 activity which will be ended up in October. Want to be one of the lucky winners? Please catch the last chance to join it and win! Go!

The 50th Jinhan Fair

Jinhan Fair Online Exhibition


Guangzhou Poly Jinhan Exhibition Co., Ltd.

Fax : +86 (0)20 8989 9111

Tel : +86 (0)20 8989 9608

Email : info@jinhanfair.com

Jinhan Fair Online Exhibition