21-27.10.2024 9:00-21:00

 PWTC, Guangzhou, China

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Buyer Badge And Brochure For The 23rd Jinhan Fair Will Be Sent Out Soon


Please note that buyer badge and Preview Brochure for the 23rd Jinhan Fair are ready for you now.

To save time in registration center, Let's pre-register with your updated photo in on-line pre-registration. Your buyer badge will be posted to you for free attached with Preview Brochure at the beginning of March.

Please be aware of updating your address in case of any changes if you are our old customers.

We look forward to seeing you in April.

The 50th Jinhan Fair

Jinhan Fair Online Exhibition


Guangzhou Poly Jinhan Exhibition Co., Ltd.

Fax : +86 (0)20 8989 9111

Tel : +86 (0)20 8989 9608

Email : info@jinhanfair.com

Jinhan Fair Online Exhibition