21-27.10.2024 9:00-21:00

 PWTC, Guangzhou, China

Facts & Figures

Facts & Figures

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Almost Half of the U.S Top 100 Retailers Frequently Visit Jinhan Fair


Recently, National Retail Foundation (NRF) has published “Top 100 Retailers of 2013”. Jinhan Fair’s old buyers occupy nearly half of this latest authoritative list; all of them are the retail giants except for telecommunications, automobile parts, entertainment and food & beverages. Retailers such as: Wal-Mart, Best Buy, etc., have visited JINHAN Fair for more than 20 times already; half of the retailers who are our old buyers have visited the fair for 4 years in a row. Besides, 13 retailers of the first 20 on the top 100 retailers list are the frequent visitors of Jinhan Fair.


Brand Buyers Who Frequently Visit Jinhan Fair for Home&Gifts


Jinhan Fair for Home&Gifts has become the top wind vine for industry’s export to the U.S. Retail giants such as: Wal-Mart, Target, The Home Depot (100 billion US dollars sales volume retailers) together with emerging online retailers: Amazon.com, etc., all have found long term partners in JINHAN Fair and been leveraging the fair as a platform to maintain a stable cooperation. The 28th Fair will be held from Oct.21st to 27th in Guangzhou Poly World Trade Center, 50,000 professional buyers are coming to negotiate and buy.


For more information, please click to download “Top 100 Retailers of 2013.pdf"

The 50th Jinhan Fair

Jinhan Fair Online Exhibition


Guangzhou Poly Jinhan Exhibition Co., Ltd.

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Tel : +86 (0)20 8989 9608

Email : info@jinhanfair.com

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