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Top 20 home products (May 2014): Paintings draw bigger audience


The May 2014 top 20 home products on GlobalSources.com saw the impressive debut of paintings. The category registered a staggering 2,044 percent increase in requests for inquiries YoY. On-month RFI growth is 305 percent.

Paintings continue to find their ways into homes, hotels and restaurants, with abstract and pop art themes expanding options. The line entered 19th place in terms of actual number of inquiries.

Flatware, meanwhile, returned to the listing and is standing tall in the on-month growth chart. RFIs soared 1,136 percent, making flatware the fastest-rising category in the May 2014 top 20. YoY RFIs increased 178 percent. The category last appeared in the March 2014 list.


Source: Global Sources

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