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Tips for decorating with vintage style


Like the decor vintage? Well you’re in luck! And this decorative style is quite a trend this season. Actually, many years ago as the decor vintage remains on the crest of the wave and, it seems, will remain at the top of the decorative trends for long.

So today in want to give you a few tips so you can decorate any room in your home style vintage. Are we along?

Mix the old with the current

We could define the style vintage as the art of retrieving objects from the 50 to 90 and make them protagonists of the current decor. Of course, the key is to mix these elements with cutting edge, always in proportion.


When we talk about objects we refer to furniture and decorative pieces inspired by this style, as can be old suitcases, Frenchified vases, old radios, worn trunks, elements of Art Nouveau or Art Deco antique clocks, mugs and porcelain plates, large mirrors on the walls type empire, chandeliers, lamps antique cut … In short, anything that reminds past. The wallpaper can also be of great help to achieve decoration vintage, especially if it is paper prints, seventies or flowers.

Colors and materials

As for the colors, keep in mind that the base color is usually decorated white or off-white, but the accessories and furniture dresses hues are usually alive and pastels. Flower prints are also very common in curtains, carpets, cushions or bedding.

Source: Home Base

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