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Offbeat News: Worst Holiday Presents Survey


A post-holiday survey of 6,611 online shoppers conducted by Tada! found that socks and gift cards were the least appreciated holiday gifts this year.

Other least-favored presents included books, underwear, visits from the in-laws, and Axe body spray. Topping the list of most popular gifts this year were money, cash, cars, books, and firearms.

The survey also revealed that 75 percent of all respondents like at least 75 percent of their gifts this year, and women are easier gift recipients to please than men—77 percent of women liked the majority of their gifts, compared to 72 percent of men. Respondents, aged 30 to 45, were also the most likely to return a gift, with 37 percent returning one or more gifts this year.

The survey was conducted by Tada!, a coupon site affiliated with Shopzilla Inc., and additional data was collected by Bizrate Insights.

Source:Gifts & Decorative Accessories

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