21-27.10.2024 9:00-21:00

 PWTC, Guangzhou, China

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Pre-register Now To Win Big Surprises


No more on site queuing and long time waiting. Buyers now can pre-register for the coming Fair in April from here.

Pre-registration time: From January 15 to April 15, 2012.

For buyers registered before March 4, we will send you free buyer card by post; for buyers registered after March 4, please print out the E-confirmation and redeem your card on-site.

Here comes the surprise! Buyers who pre-register on-line will have a chance to win free INTERNATIONAL AIR TICKETS, iPHONE 4S and DIGITAL CAMERAS. Please click here for more.

If any problem, please contact us through info@jinhanfair.com.

Wish you good luck and look forward to seeing you this April!

The 50th Jinhan Fair

Jinhan Fair Online Exhibition


Guangzhou Poly Jinhan Exhibition Co., Ltd.

Fax : +86 (0)20 8989 9111

Tel : +86 (0)20 8989 9608

Email : info@jinhanfair.com

Jinhan Fair Online Exhibition