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Hobby Lobby :我已连续造访 JINHAN FAIR 逾30次




公司:Hobby Lobby



人名:David Rhymes

职位:Merchandise Manager 




“JINHAN FAIR为全世界的买手提供了一个能看到中国最优秀的供应商的平台。

JINHAN FAIR has given  buyers from around the world a venue to see some of the best suppliers from China.”


Hobby Lobby Stores商品经理David Rhymes

David Rhymes, Merchandise Manager,

Hobby Lobby Stores


Q1、请简单介绍下Hobby Lobby?

Brief about Hobby Lobby ?


Hobby Lobby是美国最大的工艺品零售商之一,经营产品包括工艺品、画框、珠宝制作、时装面料、花、卡片及派对用品、篮子、耐磨艺术、家居用品、节日用品等。


Hobby Lobby is one of the largest retailers in the United States, operating in products including crafts, picture frames, jewelry making, fashion fabrics, flowers, cards and party supplies, baskets, wearable art, household items, and holiday items.




Q2、Hobby Lobby在中国的采购习惯?

Brief about Hobby Lobby's sourcing in China? 


从2000参加JINHAN FAIR以来,我与另外四位买手合作,以采购圣诞装饰品为主。


I have attended the JINHAN FAIR since the first one in 2000.I work with four buyers that primarily buy Christmas decorations.




How do you feel about the sourcing and supply environment?




Our business partners in China are extremely creative, tenacious, and resilient.Over the years they have weathered many storms and changes in the worlds of business and government. The current tariff situation is just another bump in the road on a long highway. Business will be somewhat different in the future, but I am confident that our China suppliers will find new and creative ways to persevere and prosper.





Which supplier at the fair impressed you the most? 


我在这个行业跟很多在JINHAN FAIR参展的供应商一起成长奋斗,看着我们很多合作伙伴从几年前的小摊位变成现在的大型摊位。JINHAN FAIR给很多中国的初创企业提供了一个很好的平台,让他们看到商机和发展的空间,也为全世界的买手提供了一个能看到中国最优秀的供应商的平台。


I have grown up in this industry with many of the suppliers that exhibit at Jinhan. I've watched many of our business partners grow from tiny booths years ago to huge booths now. JINHAN FAIR has given a platform for many start-up companies in China to be seen and prosper, and it has given buyers from around the world a venue to see some of the best suppliers from China.



Hobby Lobby采购团队与参展商闽侯闽兴团队合影


Q5、还记得初次到访JINHAN FAIR的体验吗? 

Can you describe your first experience at JINHAN FAIR? 


我第一次来广州是在1995年。2000年JINHAN FAIR的成立为这片土地增加了新鲜的空气。在这之前,所有的供应商的摊位都设在中国大酒店或者是东方宾馆的走廊和小房间里。是JINHAN  FAIR给予了这些展商更大的摊位空间和舒适的采购氛围中茁壮成长。


I first began coming to Guangzhou in 1995. The addition of the Jinhan building in 2000 to the old campus was a breath of fresh air. Before that, these vendors were all in the China Hotel or Dongfang hotel in mazes of corridors and small rooms. The Jinhan allowed these vendors to blossom with bigger booth spaces and a comfortable buying atmosphere.




Q6、JINHAN FAIR马上就迎来20周年了,对此您对有什么期望和祝福?

Please leave some words for JINHAN FAIR at its 20th anniversary?






Happy Birthday,JINHAN FAIR!


As a buyer, it is wonderful to know that a longstanding supplier will be in the same location every year.  I hope that will be a priority in the future. Also, the layout is excellent.  I hope that stays the same.  It is easy to estimate the time it will take per floor each time. Also – it would be cool in the future if they had a designated area just for new start up suppliers.


2019年10月21-27日,第40届广州(锦汉)家居用品及礼品展览会将在广州 · 保利世贸博览馆举办。


“我的JINHAN FAIR,我的心故事”、“JINHAN FAIR老友记”主题活动请点击查看:JINHAN FAIR 20周年活动
电话:+86 (0)20 8930 8925 吴先生






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